Today was Market Day in La Penita so we called our travel buddies, Jeremy and Jane and agreed to meet them there at 10:00. There seemed to be more people there than last week as more and more snowbirds show up.
Heres a few pictures I took at the market today
After an hour or so we decided to stop for lunch and introduced Jeremy and Jane to our favourite restaurant La Casita.
We needed to get home as the two girls Diane helps with their English come to our motorhome at 1:00pm.
While Diane was working with the girls, I took it easy reading. I like my Kindle.
The pups start to get anxious in the afternoon using every way they know to tell us it's beach time so we grabbed our beach chairs and umbrella and off we went.
Mexicans love their fireworks and the louder the better but we're hoping that the person who's been setting them off starting about 4:00am has used them all up.
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