We've spent a quiet but nice few days over Christmas with both new friends and those we've know for a couple of years.
Christmas eve we went out for dinner at a popular BBQ restaurant with Jeremy and Jane. There was a DJ playing a range of music and a dance floor that was used extensively by a French Canadian senior who danced with all the ladies in his party and by himself if no one joined him. The restaurant staff supplied free Tequila to everyone so that might have kept him going.
On Christmas Day we were invited to have dinner with Janelle and Trent the park owners and her parents here in their home at the park. It was a pot-luck with enough food for about 20 people, not just the six of us.
Jeremy and Jane dropped by to wish us Merry Christmas and Jeremy was again measuring out the size of the sites here at Heaven's Gate park. He's pretty sure he can get in with his big motorhome and will think about moving from his current park during the next few days.
We slept in today (Wednesday) and later in the day followed Janelle and Trent to a somewhat remote beach about six miles south of La Penita. The road from the highway to the beach was about three miles and was much more suited for a Jeep than our little PT Cruiser that bottomed out when going over a big rock in the middle of the road. That's twice I've bottomed out on roads down here and I'm convinced that a PT Cruiser is not the car to have if you intend to drive off the main highways in Mexico.