After traveling behind the Dutch Star throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico for about seven years, our Jeep Grand Cherokee finally reached the point where repairs would cost more than the vehicle was worth. We needed to find a replacement that would meet several requirements: First it needed to be towed 4 wheels down with no auxiliary lube pumps needed for the transmission and second, it needed to have a big enough rear area for the two dogs.
After looking at different vehicles, we settled on a PT Cruiser with a manual transmission. Its fun to drive and although a little low to the ground, if we're careful, we shouldn't have any problems with the "topes" in Mexico.
The Dutch Star developed an engine problem that was diagnosed by the Cummins Motor dealership in Houston as a faulty fuel transfer or lift pump. This pump regulates the fuel pressure going to the fuel injectors. They also replaced a couple of things that were under Cummins warranty. The last items that need to be changed before the trip to Mexico are the original Serpentine fan belt that has over 86,000 miles on it and a new set of tires including wheel alignment.
We will be traveling with Jeremy and Jane who spent the winter in the Mexican Baha last year. This will be their first time taking their motorhome down into the Mexican mainland. They plan on meeting us here in Livingston on or about November 6th and we'll leave two days later on the 8th. We'll cross the border just west of Laredo at the Columbia Bridge on November 10th and then take three or four days to reach La Penita on the coast about 40 miles north of Puerto Vallarta.
Those are the plans and now we'll see how close to reality they turn out to be!!
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